Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Share the love / YouTube Networking Extravaganza

Do you have a YouTube channel? ¿Tienes un canal de YouTube?

I started my YouTube channel last year and put a lot of work into it but don’t get many views or followers. What makes matters worse is that the best way to put your name out there is really frowned on and can get you haters. I’m talking about leaving a comment on a popular YouTubers channel. With that being said I’ve noticed a lot of us bloggers have YouTube channels and not that many subscribers but we have a lot of followers on gfc. Because of this problem I tried to think up a solution… Why don’t we follow each other? But if that was so easy why is it so hard to follow one another I asked myself, is it because we want subscribers and don’t want to subscribe ourselves? Or is it just awkward to ask?

Yo empecé mi canal de YouTube el año pasado y he puesto mucho esfuerzo en el pero no agarro muchas miradas o subscriptores. Lo que empeore esto es que la mejor manera de promover tu canal es taboo y puedes agarra “hater.” Estoy hablando de dejar comentarios en los canales de los YouTubers más populares, describiendo tu canal. He notado que muchos bloggers tienen canales de YouTube y no muchos subscriptores mientras que tienen muchos seguidores en gfc. Es por este problema que quise pensar en una solución… ¿Por qué es que no nos siguemos? Pero si es tan simple la solución, ¿por qué es tan difícil agarra subscriptores? ¿Es porque queremos subscriptores pero no queremos subscribir nosotros? ¿O porque se siente raro preguntar?

I feel like a lot of us have great YouTube channels but they are ghost channels… My channel rarely gets new views/ subscribers.  Let’s solve this by having a YouTube networking extravaganza!

Siento que muchas de nosotras tenemos muy Buenos canales en YouTube pero son canales fantasmas… Mi canal no garra muchas miradas/ subscriptores. Hay que cambiar esto con ¡un espectáculo de establecimiento de contactos para YouTube!

Rules For Me / Reglas Para Mi:
1. Suscribe to my 2 youtube channels below/ Subscríbete a mis dos canales de YouTube abajo
2. I’ll follow you back with both my channels/ Te sigo con mis dos canales
3. Like one video & I’ll like one of yours/ Hace like uno de mis videos y yo hago like uno de los tuyos
4. Leave a comment on a video saying “Done” so I can easily click on your name which will take me to your channel (so I can follow you and all that jazz above)/ Deja un comentario en uno de mis videos diciendo “Done” para que sea fácil subscribir me a tu canal y like tu video

Rules for visitors who want to participate / Reglas para visitantes que quieran participar:
1. Leave your Url below after you follow my channels/ Deja el Url de tu canal de YouTube después de subscribir te a mi canal
2. Copy and paste the Urls people leave and follow their channel/ Sigue los canales de las otras personas que dejaron su Url
3. Like one of their videos/ Hace Like uno de sus videos
3. Comment on one of their videos saying “Done” so they can easily follow you back by clicking on your name/ Deja un comentario que diga “Done” para que fácilmente puedan encontrar tu canal y seguiré te

I really want this YouTube Networking Extravaganza to turn in to a community, let’s comment and like each other’s videos when it’s over, maybe even offer advice or encouragement along with your “Done” comment? // En realidad quiero que este YouTube Espectáculo de Subscribidores se convierta en una comunidad, hay que hacer like y comentar en los videos aun cuando se acabe. ¿A la mejor hasta podemos dejar comentarios de consejo y apoyo con el comentario “Done”?

I will keep liking and commenting on the videos you guys put up and it would be nice if you guys do the same :) Like I said, I want this to turn into more than just getting subscribers but also a supportive community. // Yo siguiere liking y comentando en sus videos que ustedes pongan y sería bueno si ustedes hacen lo mismo :) Como dije, quiero que esto se convierta en una comunidad no solo una cosa para agarra subscriptores, si no una comunidad de apoyo.

Do you think this is a good idea? Should I do more networking extravaganzas with other social media sites? ¿Crees que esta es una buena idea? ¿Te gustaría que hiciera esto con otros sitios como Facebook?


Lets share the love <3


  1. wowwww I am so amazed by what you said. a part of it is true. we just want to subscribe and not to subscribe ourselves...but that HAS to change :D.

    You perspective is real..for example..great blogges like Chiara ferragni don't have that much view on youtube :D I'm gonna subscribe to your channel now to show support. sub back ? :D


    I opened my channel recenctly as well...is HARD to get the name out there. very hard :P

    following you back here as well.

  2. I subccribed you now.And also I'm following you back :)

  3. That's really a good idea (: thanks for following my blog,i follow you back :D

  4. Great idea!
    I don't have a channel butyour is really good!

  5. amazing post! Shall we follow let me know XSE

  6. Such a good idea! I don't have a channel yet but will be starting one at the end of May once my exams are out of the way, so keep an eye out on my blog, and i'm now subscribed to your channel now!


  7. Blog maravilhoso amei, sucesso,Deus seja contigo e já estou te seguindo. Obrigado pela visita
    Curta e participe do meu blog e fan page
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/

  8. Nice idea...but I dunn have YT channel right now..but would you like to follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin'?

    Makeup, Style and Sugar

  9. i dont have a youtube channel, but im gonna know yours

    Nathália • Fashion Jacket

  10. Hola guapa!
    Te deseo suerte con tus canales de youtube, yo no tengo así que no puedo participar..
    Pero si quieres son seguimos por el blog, te parece?
    Un besazo

  11. Such a great idea!
    When I get a youtube channel I'll let you know ;)!

  12. Thanx for following babe! I follow you now back hope we speak us soon Xya

  13. Great idea, love your blog too!!!!


  14. Olá querida, obrigada pela visita e pelo carinho, adorei :D
    Que ideia legal!!! Mais amor no mundo por favor!!!


    Instagram: stephanieparizi

  15. i don't have a youtube channel but i agree about being a supportive blogger!

    i'm following you via bloglovin!

  16. I think it's the same with blogs in general---sometimes you get haters and it's hard getting those pageviews! But I'm glad to see that you aren't giving up:)



  17. yo ya te sigo en el canal de belleza
    bss guapa

  18. Great job! I'm working on mine too. xx



  19. Querida, passando para lhe desejar um ótimo domingo :D


    Instagram: stephanieparizi

    Ps: meninas, venham participar do sorteio Victoria´s Secret que está no ar. É super fácil se inscrever e duas sortudas levarão os prêmios para casa hem!! Faltam 2 dias para acabar, corram rs :)

  20. Eu também tenho um canal no youtube, e pretendo colocar post com minhas músicas, mas estou esperando arranja-las.

    Ótimo FDS*
    Post novo, venha conferir!!!
    http://gabriellyrosa.blogspot.com G.R ♥

  21. yo no tengo canal youtube, te seguire por alli también!

    He llegado a tu blog por casualidad, te sigo y te invito a que pases por el mío!!


  22. Holaa acabo de descubrir tu blog y me encanta.
    que te parece si nos seguimos¿?

  23. You are so pretty!
    I'm in Youtube too.
    Sometimes I post...
    Menina tem post novo lá no blog =)
    Com Cosmix, 5Cinco e Oxyfree!
    Confira http://www.ciadoesmalte.com/2013/04/hair-brasil-2013-cosmix-5cinco-e-oxyfree.html
    Beijo grande e uma ótima semana =)

  24. great blog,tank you for your sharing

  25. Adorei seu blog! Fotos maravilhosas, looks incríveis :D

  26. great post!let’s follow each other on gfc&bloglovin?
    flw me and tell where u’ve followed me!

  27. I like your post It is very informative post. Great job! I'm working on mine too.
    Buy Etizolam
