Saturday, December 19, 2015

Wet N Wild Ultimate Eyebrow Kit & Brow Pencil

 Hello wonderful readers! I know I have previously made a post about my eyebrow routine but in this post I wanted to give you a full blown review of my two favorite eyebrow products. They are both from the very affordable brand Wet N Wild. These two products are the Wet N Wild Color Icon Brow Pencil in Brunettes Do It Better and the Wet N Wild Ultimate Eyebrow Kit in Ash Brown. Both of these products have been my go to brow products for some time now, to the point that I even buy back ups! If that doesn’t say obsession I don’t know what does! Keep reading for my full review or click here to see my step by step brow routine.

¡Hola maravillosos lectores! Se que ya he hecho un post sobre mi rutina de ceja pero en el post de hoy les quería dar una revisión de mis dos favoritos productos para la ceja. Estos dos productos son de la marca muy economica, Wet N Wild. Los dos productos son Wet N Wild Color Icon Brow Pencil en Brunettes Do It Better y el Wet N Wild Ultimate Eyebrow Kit en Ash Brown. Los dos products han sido mis favoritos por mucho tiempo, ¡hasta compro extras! Si esto no es obsession, ¡no se que lo es! Sigue leyendo para ver mi revision completa o has click aqui para ver mi rutina de ceja.