Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year's Resolutions! 2015

Happy New Year! Can you believe we have lived another year of heartbreak, laughter, change and love? Although, last year was my year, (according to the Chinese Zodiac) when it was the year of the horse, I’m going to make this year mine too! And so should you, by outlining your New Year’s Resolutions. Thinking about them isn’t enough to make them last, writing them down and being able to look at them will help you stick to them.  So that is just what I did! But on doing so, I realized I have way too many! To help make my New Year’s Resolutions more realistic and attainable, I tried to make them small. Like reading a page a day, practicing on weekends… This way my enormous list doesn’t feel overwhelming, because I just couldn’t cut anything out! There are just too many things I want to accomplish, to help me become a better person.

¡Feliz año nuevo! ¿Puedes crear que hemos vivido otro año de corazones rotos, risas, cambios y amor? Aunque, el año pasado era mi año, (en acuerdo con el calendario Chines) el año del caballo, voy hacer este año ¡mi año!  Y también tu, escribiendo tus resoluciónes de año nuevo. Pensando en ellos no es suficiente para que duren, escribiendo los para poder verlos otra ves te ayudará mantenerlos. ¡Y eso es lo que e hecho! Pero en hacerlos, ¡note que tengo muchisimos! Para ayudar hacer mis resoluciónes del año nuevo más realisticos y alcanzable, trate de hacerlos pequeños. Como leyendo una pagina al día y practicando guitarra los fines de semanas… De esta manera mi lista no es tan enorme, ¡porque no pude cortar nada de mi lista! Hay tantas cosas que quiero cumplir, para ayudar me ser una mejor persona.

I hope this list both inspires you to make a list, and come up with your own resolutions. You can only make New Year’s Resolutions once a year after all! & it is never too late! Better late then never!

    Deseo que esta lista te inspire, y te ayude hacer tu propia lista de resoluciónes. ¡Solo puedes hacer resoluciónes una vez al año! Y nunca es muy tarde, ¡mejor tarde que nunca!

My New Year's Resolutions

  1. Be Happy | Ser Feliz
-Look on the brightside.
-Always have positive thoughts.
-Remember to have fun!

  1. Write More Often | Escribir Mas Seguido
-A sentence a day in my journal.
-Work on my book, also a sentence a day. 

  1. Read More | Leer Mas
-Read a book a month.
-Read news articles every other day.
-Read a page of the bible a day.

  1. Be Healthier | Ser Mas Saludable
-Exercise everyday for an hour.
-Try to have one meal be a salad.
-Eat out less.
-Watch my portions!!!
-Make healthy snack options.
-Walk my dog every Saturday and Sunday.

  1. Practice guitar on the weekends | Practicar guitarra los fines de semana
    -Chords for an hour on one day and songs for an hour another day.

  1. Learn a new language! | ¡Aprender un lenguaje nuevo!
-Use duolingo on the weekends. (Portuguese and Italian)
-Read in different languages. (books & articles)

  1. Travel & Experience New things! | ¡Viajar Y Tener Nuevas Experiencias!
-Save money for a dream destination. (traveling through all of Latin America or New Zealand?)
-Visit places nearby that I haven’t seen yet. (parks, museums, attractions)

  1. Be more friendly and outgoing. | Ser Mas Amable
-Speaking up and starting conversations.
-Put an effort into spending time with people and making connections.
-Be dependable and trustworthy.

  1. Work On Becoming A Better Person | Ser Mejor Persona
-Meditate for a few minutes daily. (
-Be kind whenever possible.
-Notice my good and bad habits.
-Stay on task.
-Speak up!
-Live my dreams! Take Action!
-Not care what people think.
-Help out with chores more.
-Be more tidy and organized.
-Be grateful for everything!
-Be considerate of others.
-Spend time with family.

What I was thankful for in 2014
Last year at the start of 2014, I read many blogs and a lot of bloggers were making a thankful jar. (Idk if this is exactly what it is called…) In these jars you put little pieces of paper on which you have written down things you're thankful for and at the end of the year you read all of them! It seemed like such a wonderful idea for staying positive and grateful. So I began my jar of thankfulness and here are some things I was thankful for in 2014!

El año pasado, al principio del 2014, lei muchos blogs y casi todos los bloggers estaban haciendo jarros de gratitud. ( No se si este es el nombre exacto…) En estos jarros pones pedazos de papel en que escribes lo que te ha hecho sentir gratitud. ¡Y los les al terminar el año! Se me hizo una maravillosa idea para que uno se mantenga positivo y agradecido. Por esto empecé mi jarro de gratitud ¡y aquí estan unas cosas de que estuve agradecida en 2014!

1. Spending time with my family.
2. My boyfriend spending time with me.
3. My grandfather being well after his surgeries.
4. Being loved.
5. Having a job.
6. Getting to blog and keeping up this hobby.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? ¿Que son tus resoluciónes de año nuevo?

Thank you for reading and commenting! ¡Gracias por leer y comentar!
Perla Sanchez

If you follow me on twitter, tweet me so I know to follow you back! :D

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